
Posters are available after the list.

List of Presentations 2024

Rossi, N., Moulson, A. Herbland, A., & Cairns, M. (2024). Physiotherapists working in orthopaedic foot and ankle clinics: A UK-wide survey investigating role and scope of practice.  Successfully submitted for MACP Nurturing Research Conference, 21st June 2024, MMU – Platform Presentation

Harris, B., Moulson, A., & Herbland, A. (2024). Assessing return to running readiness: an online-survey of current United Kingdom physiotherapy practice in postpartum patients. Successfully submitted for IFOMPT ‘Crossing Bridges’ Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 4th -6th July 2024 – Poster Presentation

Minns Lowe CJ, Watson-Rose E, Igwesi-Chidobe C,  Campbell L, Dent J, Abbott L. Musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice and maternal health: a systematic scoping review. IFOMPT poster.

List of Presentations 2023

Evaluation of the pre-registration student research placements within KNOWBEST (the knowledge, behaviours and skills required of the modern physiotherapy graduate). Minns Lowe CJ, Rose J, Roscoe S, Heneghan NR. CSP Annual Conference England, 01/11/2023.

Diagnostic accuracy of subjective features and physical examination tests of Morton’s neuroma: a systematic review. Pitcher M, Moulson A, Pitcher D, Herbland A, Cairns M. CSP Annual Conference England, 01/11/2023.

Physiotherapy work related well-being: a documentary analysis of the open question data from the YOURvieWS survey. Donovan, M; Minns Lowe CJ. CSP Annual Conference Students, 24/10/2023.

‘Simulation in pre-registration physiotherapy education’ Session at CSP Annual Conference Wales. Shorney R, McDonald MT, Thackray D, Heneghan N, Latchem-Hastings G, Bendall A. 27/10/2023.

Long-term muscular performance and functional outcomes following Achilles tendon rupture: a systematic review of surgical vs non-surgical management. Moss K, Moulson A, Cairns M, Stevens L. CSP Annual Conference Wales 26/10/2023.

KNOWBEST: The knowledge, behaviours and skills required of the modern physiotherapy graduate, including the future role of practice-based learning. Minns Lowe CJ, Heneghan N, Herbland A, Atkinson K, Beeton K. World Physiotherapy Congress 03/06/2023 Dubai.

Simulation in pre-registration physiotherapy education: a scoping review. Heneghan H, Radones MFG, Gaylani Z, Beeton K, Herbland A, Atkinson K, Minns Lowe CJ. World Physiotherapy Congress 03/06/2023 Dubai.

Bilsborough Smith C, Cairns M, Lewis J, Chester R. Corticosteroid Injections For Frozen Shoulder: A Global Online Survey Of Health Professionals’ Current Practice And Opinion. World Physiotherapy Congress 2-4/06/2023 Dubai.

Steen E, McCrum C, Cairns M., A UK survey evaluation of First Contact Practitioner and Physiotherapist confidence, recognition and referral of suspected axial spondyloarthritis. British Society for Rheumatology Annual Conference, Manchester, 24-26/04/2023.

Barker A, Coulthard C, Cairns M. Scope of practice of First Contact Practitioners and their management of persistent Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain. Physiotherapy Research Society, 21/04/2023.

Williams JAE, Chester-Jones M, Francis A, Brewer G, Gulati M, Minns Lowe C, Barker K,  Julier P, Barber V, Vincent K, Dutton SJ, Watt FE. How should we best measure participant-reported ‘average hand pain’ Comparison of two methods from a randomised placebo-controlled feasibility study of post-menopausal women with hand osteoarthritis. OARSI World Congress, Denver, USA. 17/03/2023.

List of Presentations 2022

Minns Lowe C. KNOWBEST presentation at the Higher Education Institute UK-wide quarterly webinar run by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, 03/03/2022.

Minns Lowe C, Heneghan N, Herbland A, Atkinson K, Beeton K.The KNOWledge, BEhaviours and Skills required of the modern physioTherapy graduate (KNOWBEST); description of a longitudinal multi-stakeholder crowdsourcing project. Poster presentation at the School of Health and Social Work Research Conference, 15/06/2022.

NR Heneghan, M Radones, Z Gaylani, CJ Minns Lowe, A Herbland, K Atkinson, K Beeton.  Simulation in pre-registration physiotherapy education: a scoping review. Poster presentation at the School of Health and Social Work Research Conference, 15/06/2022.

Rose J, Heneghan N, Beeton K, Herbland A, Atkinson K, Minns Lowe C. The student perspective on the new physiotherapy pre-registration research placements at the University of Hertfordshire: a qualitative evaluation. Platform presentation at the School of Health and Social Work Learning and Teaching Conference, July 2022.

List of presentations 2021

Kumaran B, Watson T. The effect of foot plate Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on leg blood flow. Poster at the World Physiotherapy Congress 9-11 April 2021. Awarded best poster in the Electrophysical Agents subgroup.

Minns Lowe C, Beeton K, Heneghan N, Herbland A, Atkinson K. The Future of Practice Based Learning in the UK. Invited Networking Field Session at virtual Physiotherapy UK, 5th Nov 2021.

Robinson E, Moulson A, Cairns M, Herbland A. (2021). The assessment and management of breathing dysfunction in musculoskeletal conditions: an on-line survey of current United Kingdom physiotherapy practice. Platform presentation at Physiotherapy UK, 5-6th Nov 2021.

Steed L,  Moulson A. (2021). The impact of introducing a musculoskeletal physiotherapy practitioner role into the emergency department of an acute hospital – a service evaluation. Poster presentation at Physiotherapy UK, 5-6th Nov 2021.

Watson, T. Inflammation and Tissue Healing. Presentation at the Virtual Pain Education Summit presented by the European Pain Federation 4-6 November 2021.

Minns Lowe C, Beeton K, Heneghan N, Herbland A, Atkinson K. ‘Practice Based Learning’ Webinar was held on November 23rd, 2021, 7-8pm.

Minns Lowe C, Beeton K, Heneghan N, Herbland A, Atkinson K. ‘Digital Skills Learning’ webinar held on December 1st 2021 from 7-8pm.

A selection of Posters